
The library is where all the recordings are uploaded and sorted into albums.

Features explained in this article

Creating a Recording

Recordings can either be uploaded or created using our TTS:

  • Uploading a Recording: Click on Audio located on the upper right. Select either Upload File or Upload Multiple Files:
    1. Upload File: Drop the file to upload. Then, select an audio name, an album for it to go into (more at Library>Albums), select a sort order (this determines what number in the list of recordings in the album this audio will be.) Verify determines whether the recording needs to be verified before being used. Click on Ok to save the file.
    2. Upload Multiple Files: Select the sort order (this determines what number in the list of recordings in the album this audio will be.), then, choose whether the recording will need to be verified before being used. Then, press Next. Drop the files to download.
  • TTS: Text to Speech allows a recording to be created by typing words which will automatically be converted to speech. A TTS recording can be created by clicking on Audio, located on the upper right. Then, type the message to convert to audio. Press Listen. Press Next. Enter an audio name, album to go into, sort order number (this determines what number in the list of recordings in the album this audio will be), and select a verification option (this determines whether the recording needs to be verified before being used). Then press Ok.


An album is used to categorize recordings. Each album can hold an unlimited amount of recordings, which will later be able to be played in the IVR Branches. An album can be added by clicking on the plus sign located on top of the existing albums:

  • Album Number: Enter a number which could be used for future reference but will not affect the call in any way.
  • Album Name: Enter a title for this album, which will be used for future reference but will not affect the call in any way.
  • After: Select the branch for the caller to be taken to once this album finishes playing. (This is optional.)
  • Album Type: Select whether this album is a regular album, or an instruction album. An instruction album will give callers directions of what to press in order to get to specific recordings in another album.
  • Order By: This tells the system whether it should play the latest recordings first or the oldest.
  • Instruction Type: This tells whether the instructions of this album will be an audio or an album. If Audio is selected, then choose an album and then the recording in the album. If Album was selected as the Instruction Type, select the album to play. Additional recordings can always be added to the instruction album, which will also play. The sort numbers of the instruction album must match the regular album. When callers press 1 in an instruction album, they will be taken to the sort number 1 audio in the regular album.
  • Allow Delete:
  • Chain To:
  • Intro: An intro to the album can be added to play each time right before the album is played.
  • Click Save.

General Library Setup

In the library, albums are located towards the left, and the audios of the album selected towards the right. Each album shows the amount of recordings in it. The audio section shows the sort number (the sort number determines where in the album this recording will be), the option of listening to the recording (once the play button is selected, the option to download the recording is given), and the date created. There is also the option of selecting a recording and then the action to be taken: either transferring to a different album, copying, or deleting. Recordings can also be searched for by entering the recording name in the search box. An album can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon located directly above the existing albums.
